Friday, July 27, 2007

Britney at 17 vs. Britney Now innocent. Ahhhhhh! How evil! What the hell happened!? Now she's more gruesome with an umbrella than even the Penguin is.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Cry Baby vs. Willy Wonka

Johnny Depp was so cute in Cry Baby that it was enough to probably make me cry! But, as for Willy Wonka...can somebody say Thriller?! Looks kind of similar to Michael Jackson!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Little, Innocent Lohan vs. Pot smoking, Arrested Lohan

Yes-you are seeing double! Of course, it doesn't mean that your snorting cocaine like Lindsey! Poor, change can be really bad and scary!

Let Me Sum it Up For You

If you want to know my age, name, and location you can check that out when you read About Me. Here? Well, I'm just gonna try my hardest to brag about this blog! I think I'm going to have alot of fun with this blog-I'm a very observative person. So, I'm always looking at things and either say( or scream)" AHHHH! " or " Ahh...that's so cute!" So, I figured why not make a blog about it! And, in the end? Well, I put my love of blogging and my love of everyday observations together and this is what it ended up looking like! I hope you all like it! Please comment if you do!